Latest News - 4th May 

This Sunday at the 10 we will be celebrating the baptisms of two babies: Joshua Sellers and Thea Williams, as well as saying goodbye to all our wonderful Trinity Ordinands who are moving on at the end of this month.

Following the sad news of Jill Garfitt, we would like to let you know the date for her Thanksgiving service in Christ Church, which will take place on Friday 8th June at 11am.

IMPORTANT: General Data Protection Regulation - At Christ Church we love to keep you in touch with all that’s going on in the church family and help you connect in. But from 25th May the law is changing and we need your permission to carry on doing this – even if you’ve given us your permission in the past. Watch out for an email which will be coming soon. We’ll be asking you to review the details we hold about you, tell us how you want us to keep in touch with you and most importantly give us your consent to do this. It’s all done online and will only take a few seconds to complete. And if you don’t have an email, watch out for something in the post. If you don’t respond, the law says it has to be goodbye. And we don’t want to say goodbye… so please look out for the email or letter and then act.

Vision next Steps: 
Please click here to watch Paul's most recent video following his Vision talk at the APCM where he starts to explain the vision in further detail.

Associate Vicar update: Thank you for your prayers for the interview process last Monday.  Just to update you that it has not been possible to make an appointment at this time.