Leadership Hub 

Leadership Hub 
We’re excited to introduce the leadership hub which is starting in September 2023.

At Christ Church we recognise that leadership is diverse. The Holy Spirit calls many different people into roles where they lead others. Some leadership roles are obvious, others less so.

The Leadership Hub is for those who are: in leadership, exploring a call to leadership, or interested in leadership in its broadest sense in God's kingdom. It will equip you and those you lead with the practical tools and confidence to help others enter more fully into a Jesus-centred, Spirit-filled life.

We look forward to sharing experiences, stories, worship and prayer as we learn together.

The Leadership Hub launches on Monday, 11th September, from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM in the Crypt.

A typical session will include:

  • Opportunities for conversation and sharing stories 
  • Worship and prayer 
  • Practical teaching 
  • Ministry  

Please use the links below to book a place in each session.  

11th September 2023 Equipping people as disciples of Jesus 
9th October 2023 Equipping people in hearing and responding to the Holy Spirit 
13th November 2023 Equipping people as confident communicators of the gospel 
11th December 2023 No Session
15th January 2024 Equipping people to prioritise prayer in their daily lives 
19th February 2024     Being a holy people in leadership 
11th March 2024 Jesus at the centre of leadership – part 1 
15th April 2024 Jesus at the centre of leadership – part 2
13th May 2024 Recognising people who are leaders 
10th June 2024     Equipping people to hear and follow God’s call     
8th July 2024    For 10 Gathering Leaders only
12th August 2024     No Session

Session Resources

Session 1 - Equipping people as disciples of Jesus
Due to technical issues there is no recording available for this session.  Notes for the term plan are available here

Session 2 - Equipping people in hearing and responding to the Holy Spirit

Watch a recording of this session:

Watch the New Wine prayer ministry training video referred to in this session:

Session 3 - Equipping people as confident communicators of the Gospel

Watch a recording of this session: