What is the PCC?
The primary purpose of the Parochial Church Council (PCC) is to discern, under God, Christ Church’s strategic vision and direction, but the PCC also has a number of legal responsibilities with regard to our buildings, finances, paid staff and legal compliance. As such, PCC members are considered ‘trustees’ by the
Charity Commission. The PCC meets eight times each year.
Find out more about what the PCC does and how it works in the
PCC Handbook.
PCC Values
Be prayerful
Philippians 4:6, Ephesians 4:12
Jesus is at the centre of all we do. We will make our decisions prayerfully, and in accordance with the way we believe the Lord would wish them. He is present when we meet and we set aside time to meet with and listen to God
Be accountable
Galatians 6:1-2, 1 John 3:18
In all we do and say: to God, to each other, to the church family. We are visible at church gatherings, connecting with the wider church family. We are a contact point for small communities and support the subgroups of the PCC.
Love one another
Work as a team
John 13:34, 1 Peter 4:8, Romans 12:9
Discussions should be honest and proceed with respect. Conflict is a sign of healthy decision making and should not be shied away from, however differences of opinion should not be personalised. All approaches should be with the intention of coming to agreement. As a united front we hold each other in esteem and work together to build up and strengthen one another.
Be honest with one another
Be real with one another
2 Corinthians 8:21 2 Timothy 2:15
The PCC is a joint commitment and our discussions are a safe space where everyone’s contributions are important, remembering we are advocates for the wider church family. We are entitled to disagree with each other and we are entitled to change our minds. When agreement is reached all members should be willing to support the decision regardless of how they voted.
Encourage one another
Pursue personal growth
Hebrews 10:25
To work effectively and to find real meaning and purpose in our roles. To appreciate where God has placed each of us and to seek to be salt and light in those places. A key aim is continued growth, both spiritually and practically as we identify and nurture individual’s gifts. We are in a spiritual battle and must arm ourselves and protect each other accordingly. By spending time together (informally) and having fun together we can engender a culture of support for one another as we live life together.
Have a generous spirit
2 Corinthians 9:6-8
Be patient in our attitude to others and our communal responsibilities, emotionally and practically. No question is too trivial to ask.
Be loyal to one another and those in leadership
Operate confidentiality
Philippians 2:5 Ephesians 4:1-3
As a matter of course it is essential that PCC members do not speak about who said what at any meeting, with people who are not members of the Council. This could inhibit an honest sharing of views. We may not be able to always agree with one another in private but once a decision has been reached we will publicly support decisions made.
PCC Members 2023-24
The PCC is made up of Clergy, Church Wardens, members of the Deanery Synod and a number of elected members. PCC members are elected at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) each May. To stand for the PCC you must be 16 or over and on the church
Electoral Roll. PCC members are elected for a three year term. Some church staff also attend PCC meetings but cannot vote.
Rev Chris Brown |
John Butler |
Clergy |
Elected Member |
Barny Collins |
Mark Ellis |
Elected Member |
Elected Member |
Mei Yen Furey |
Danish Gill |
Elected Member |
PCC Member |
Andrea Jeanneret |
Rev Paul Langham |
Elected Member |
Clergy |
Rev Janet Lee |
Susannah Mason |
Clergy |
Elected Member |
Philip Miles |
Cluff Noon |
Elected Member |
Deanery Synod |
Di Noon |
Mark Orriss |
Churchwarden / Deanery Synod |
Churchwarden |
Mark Parsons |
Tavi Price |
Staff |
Elected Member |
Jack Reed |
Hannah Rodgers |
Elected Member |
Elected Member |
Chris Shaddick |
Dave Vernon |
Elected Member |
Elected Member |
Kamran Zahid |
Elected Member |