Annual Church FAMILY Meeting

Please find below all the news and outcomes from our Annual Church Family Meeting 2024.

The meeting was held as part of The 10 gathering on Sunday 19th May 2024.  You can watch the full meeting here:

- Watch on Facebook
- Watch on YouTube



Apologies were received from:  Nick Bell, Barbara Bell, Esther Brown, John Butler, Chris Davis, Nelly Davis, David Daniels, Helen Daniels, Mei Yen Furey, Charles Kinsey, Sue Poole, Lynn Sayer, Martin Sayer, Jan Tyrrell, Andrew Wilkinson, Willma Wilkinson.

Minutes of last year’s meetings

The Minutes of the meeting held in 2023 were approved by the meeting.  They can be viewed here.

Electoral Roll

The Electoral Roll of the parish – of which people must be a member to stand for or vote in church leadership elections – was reviewed over the period from 17th March to 28th April.  At last year's meeting there were 328 members of the Electoral Roll.  During the year 19 names were added to the roll and 44 names removed.  The Roll therefore stands at 303.

We strongly encourage members of the church family who are not yet on the Electoral Roll to register, and this can be done by collecting a form at the InfoHub or online here

Election of Church Wardens
Diane Noon was nominated by Emelye Chanot and Owen Kirkham.  Mark Orriss was nominated by David Walker and Valerie Groves.  They were elected to serve as Church Wardens for the coming year. 
Elections to the PCC and Deanery Synod
There was 1 place available for election to PCC and 3 places available for election to Deanery Synod at the meeting.  No nominations were received so no elections took place.

The full list of PCC and Deanery Synod Members can be viewed here.

Finance Report
Members of the Finance Team presented the Finance Report.  The slides they used are available here.
The PCC's Annual Report and Accounts for 2023, which were circulated prior to the meeting, are available here.
Appointment of Independent Examiner / Auditors

Burton Sweet were appointed as Independent Examiner / Auditors for 2024.

Reports from the Diocese of Bristol
The Diocese prepared the reports from the Deanery Synod for circulation to parishes at their Annual Meeting.
Paul's Address

The audio recording of the Paul's address from the meeting can be heard here...

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