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At Christ Church we help people find Jesus and follow him wholeheartedly. We believe that the most effective and fruitful place for us to be is living as wholehearted followers of Jesus ... being the people God has made us in the places He has called us  ... and helping others to do the same.

This autumn we are exploring how we can be increasingly wholehearted in following Jesus. This involves inner development of our relationship with Jesus and outward focused activity as we respond to the Holy Spirit in helping others. As we go through the term we are encouraged to help each other grow in confidence and be ready to step into opportunities to speak of Jesus to others, especially during the Christmas season.

Screenshot 2024-08-29 155711There are notes for each week of the term. We hope you will find these a helpful tool as you meet with others to learn together, pray together, and serve together.

We look forward with excitement to all that the Holy Spirit will do in and through us this term.

Term Card - Detail