Welcome to our term plan for spring 2025. As a church family we are going on a sixteen week journey through Mark’s gospel. Together we will explore how Jesus challenges and disrupts societal and cultural norms and traditional ways of thinking. In doing this, Jesus offers a radical new perspective on life. One that is shaped by and expresses the values of the kingdom of God. Jesus is the way to this new life. It is only through choosing to surrender our lives to him and follow him that we become citizens of God’s kingdom and receive the gift of eternal life. As we journey through the first seven chapters of Mark’s gospel we will see the gospel of Jesus revealed. In chapter eight we find the declaration that Jesus is the Messiah. The reality of Jesus as Messiah is the fulcrum on which the whole of history turns. In chapters nine to fifteen we see how God’s covenant is fulfilled in Jesus. In the closing chapter we celebrate the truth that Jesus is risen. Through it all we find the call for us as followers of Jesus to share the gospel of Jesus with those who don’t yet know Jesus and for our lives to be a living declaration of the kingdom of heaven. In doing this we help people find Jesus and follow him wholeheartedly and we play our part in the heavenly transformation of people and culture in Bristol. There are notes for each week of the term. We hope you will find these a helpful tool as you meet with others to learn together, pray together, and serve together. We look forward with excitement to all that the Holy Spirit will do in and through us this term. You can also download Paul's translation of Mark's Gospel from Who? and read it alongside your normal Bible version. The series will finish with an immersive retelling of Mark's Gospel on Good Friday and Easter Saturday. Click here for full details and tickets.