Our small communities are groups of people who meet together regularly in people’s homes to share life together. They are places where individuals find wholeness, and are inspired, equipped, empowered and released to reproduce the character and life of Jesus in their families, workplaces and communities.
The intentional aim of our small communities is to grow together as disciples as we seek to follow Jesus' mandate to his first disciples to 'go and make disciples of all nations', recognising that, in order to help people to find Jesus and follow him wholeheartedly, we must first be disciples ourselves.
These small communities are essential places of connection, growth and mission as we play our part in the heavenly transformation or people and culture in Bristol. We, therefore, strongly encourage everyone who considers themself to be members of Christ Church to be playing an active and committed role in a small community.
Why small communities?
Why join a small community? There are lots of great reasons. Firstly, we believe that they are the best way to grow as a disciple. Secondly, it’s a great way to get connected and find friendship and family, through mutual support, care and encouragement, in a church where a large number gather to worship each week. Thirdly, it is easier and more fun to do mission together and small communities are a great way to grow in our call to be witnesses as seek to invite everyone to follow Jesus.
What small communities are available?
At Christ Church we seek to see the values of our church - Encounter, Family, Generosity and Transformation - impacting the life of our small communities. Each small community is different and at the heart of each small community will be a shared commitment to these values.
We recognise that we are all different people, at different stages of our lives and at different stages of our journey with God. As such we have a range of different types of small communities available in Christ Church to help each person connect with one that is right for them.
To find out more, please contact us using the form below...