Building To Easter
March 2018
How do we engage with scripture in such a way that we can identify how God is speaking to us through it? Join us as we explore this through the Easter story and take some time to really focus on Jesus.
For more information about all that's happening at Christ Church this Easter,
check out this year's Easter Card.
Daily Readings
Around 25% of each gospel is taken up with the last week of Jesus’ life, and this year we invite you to join Jesus on his journey to the Cross, following his footsteps, his teaching and his suffering through that last week. We have prepared a series of daily readings for you with links to the Bible Gateway online bible.
Click here to access the readings.
Video Resources
Audio Resources
31st March 2019 10 GatherBuild up to Easter (1 Cor 13) 2 Paul Langham, 31/03/2019 |
8th April 2018 5 GatheringSoil Assessment (unfortunately this talk was not recorded at the 5 but this is a re-recording by Chris of the talk he gave at that Gathering) Chris Whitwell, 08/04/2018 |
8th April 2018 10 GatheringSoil Assessment
(an extended version of this talk was given at the 5 but there was an issue with the recording) Chris Whitwell, 08/04/2018 |
1st April 2018 10 Combined GatheringBuilding to Easter 5 : Garden Paul Langham, 01/04/2018 |
25th March 2017 10 GatheringBuilding to Easter 4: Golgotha Paul Langham, 25/03/2018 |
25th March 2017 5 GatheringBuilding to Easter 4: Golgotha (see also Paul Langhams talk from the 10) Chris Brown, 25/03/2018 |
18th March 2018 5 GatheringBuilding to Easter 3 : Gethsemane Paul Sankey, 18/03/2018 |
18th March 2018 10 GatheringBuilding to Easter 3 : Gethsemane Paul Sankey, 18/03/2018 |
11th March 2018 5 GatheringBuilding to Easter 2 - Jerusalem Chris Whitwell, 11/03/2018 |
11th March 2018 10 GatheringBuilding to Easter 2 - Jerusalem Paul Langham, 11/03/2018 |