AGM 2017 

All church members are warmly invited to our Annual Church Meeting which will form part of The 10 on Sunday 30th April 2017. 

In the Church of England, this takes the form of two separate meetings:

  1. the Annual Meeting of Parishioners (a brief meeting at which our church wardens are elected by the whole church family)


  1. the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (the main meeting, at which, among other things, we review our church finances, elect PCC and Deanery Synod members, hear Paul give his annual address, and have the opportunity to put questions to him and to our Treasurer, Patrick Bolster)

This year, we are streamlining this second meeting by dealing with quite a few items (listed below) via this email rather than verbally at the meeting. We hope this will make the meeting go as smoothly as possible and ensure that our groups for children and young people don’t stretch on for much longer than usual.

We’ve included in this email all the information you will need for the meeting and ask that you spend some time reading the information relevant to you. We have also posted a hard copy of this email to everyone on our Electoral Roll for whom we do not have an email address.

In particular:

  • PARENTS of children aged 0–11: please be aware that you will be invited to collect your children towards the end of the Gathering and bring them back in for our closing time of worship response
  • MEMBERS OF OUR AMAZING KIDS & YOUTH TEAMS: we are aware that, year by year, many of you ‘miss out’ on our Annual Meeting. So this year, we are going to repeat most of what happens at The 5, in the hope that those of you on duty in the morning will be able to catch up with all that is happening in our church family life.

In order to streamline and focus our time at The 10, the following items are all being dealt with ahead of the meeting and will not be covered verbally during the meeting, except where indicated by **


If you are a member of the Electoral Roll and want your apologies formally recorded, please email Mark Parsons by 6pm on Saturday.  We won’t be taking apologies on the day.

Minutes of last year’s meetings **

Minutes of the 2016 Annual Meeting of Parishioners and Annual Parochial Church Meeting can be downloaded using the link below.

Draft Minutes of the 2016 AGM.pdf 

Any suggested amendments to these minutes or matters arising should be emailed to Mark Parsons by 6pm on Saturday.

A limited number of hard copies of the minutes will be available at the meeting, at which we will be invited to approve them by show of hands.


Unless we hear to the contrary by 6pm on Saturday we will assume the meeting approves the appointment of Rosemarie Hall (PCC Secretary) as secretary to the meeting.

Electoral Roll

The Electoral Roll of the parish – of which you must be a member to stand for or vote in our church leadership elections – was reviewed over the period from 27th March to 15th April 2017.  At last year’s meeting there were 455 members of the Electoral Roll.  During the year 31 names were added to the roll and 71 names removed.  The Roll therefore stands at 415.

There are currently 803 adults and 177 children and young people on the church database. Members of the church family who are not yet on the Electoral Roll are encouraged to join and can do so after the meeting.

Elections **

  • Derek Hadden and Sian Lowe have been nominated as Church Wardens for a further year. No other nominations have been received at the time of writing. 
  • There are two vacancies on the PCC this year.  To date there has been two nominations: Adam Marriott. and Kevin Stone
  • There are five vacancies on the Deanery Synod this year.  To date there have been two nominations:  Val Moore and Cluff Noon.
  • If no further nominations are received, there will be no requirement for any election and the people named above will be declared elected at the meeting.
  • If sufficient further nominations are received to make an election necessary, this will be conducted at the meeting as usual.

Appointment of Sidesmen

The APCM requires the appointment of Sidesmen (or Stewards). Christ Church has a large and active welcome team for each of its Gatherings and appointments to this team is delegated to Jackie Langham and Janet Lee.  A list of the current members of the team is displayed on the noticeboard in the church foyer. 

Finance Report **

Patrick Bolster (PCC Treasurer) will be providing a brief overview of our church finances for 2016 during the meeting but his full report can be downloaded here.

Finance Report for APCM.pdf 

The full Annual Report and Financial Statements for the PCC for 2016 can be downloaded here.

Approved Report and Financial Statements for APCM.pdf 

There will be a brief opportunity for questions to Patrick during the meeting and you are encouraged to email questions in advance to Mark Parsons by 6pm on Saturday. Due to time constraints on Sunday, any detailed questions may need to be answered outside the meeting.

Appointment of Independent Examiner

The Finance Team propose the reappointment of Burton Sweet as our Independent Examiners for 2017.  Unless we hear to the contrary by 6pm on Saturday we will assume the meeting approves this appointment.

Vicar’s Report **

Paul will be using his sermon on Sunday to share what God has been doing at and through Christ Church over the past 12 months.  At the end of the sermon there will be a brief opportunity for questions to Paul and you are encouraged to email questions in advance to Mark Parsons by 6pm on Saturday.  Due to time constraints on Sunday, any detailed questions may need to be answered outside the meeting.

Annual Report

Our full Annual Report will be handed out on Sunday, and available on the church website and via email early next week.


Children’s groups will be happening on Sunday as usual but we will be asking parents to collect their children during the last part of the Gathering so they can join us for the closing worship.  Please follow the instructions of the leader who will explain when to collect your kids!


Lunch for those who have booked in will be served after the Gathering, from around 12:15pm.  Please remember there is a suggested donation of £3 per person to cover this (for those who didn’t pay online at the time of booking).

APCM re-run at 5pm

For those who are unable to make The 10 on Sunday, or for those who are serving in our kids groups then, our 5pm Gathering will include all the major items covered in the morning – including the finance presentation, Paul’s talk and a further opportunity for questions.